インドネシアTangsi Jaya コーヒー農園PJ
当協会はインドネシアのダルマプルサダ大学(DPU)が推進する、西ジャワ州Tangsi Jaya(バンドン市の近郊)のコーヒー農園での小水力発電活用による地域創成プロジェクトに参画することになりました。プロジェクト期間は2016年10月から2018年9月までです。ご期待下さい。 ●Tangsi Jaya コーヒー農園PJ(2018年9月24日)
一方、 今年6月から8月までの3ヶ月間の集計では、コーヒー農園の総面積は25ha(7Haの追加)となり、1日の平均250kgのコーヒーの実を収穫し、乾燥コーヒー豆の生産量は2021kgとなり、順調に収穫されております。
・マイクロ水力発電設備 |
●Tangsi Jaya コーヒー農園プロジエクト開始!(2016年11月6日)
Tangsi Jaya hamlet located at Gunung
Halu Village West Java, have been selected as the E3i (Energy,
Economy and Environment)) self-sufficientvillage
model based on the fact that previous studyon the
hamlet has been conducted to obtain the potential of natural resources and
renewable energy(biomass, hydro power) available in the village, and to
obtained the socio-condition of the people ofthe village.The main source of income of the Tangsi Jaya hamlet has been from paddy farming withaverage ownership of 0.12 Ha/household and from 15.82
Ha of coffee plantation. In the past theharvested
coffee berries have been sold to the middlemen under unprocessed condition.
people in this hamlet have been living under poverty for a long time with an
average income ofaround US$ 2/day. About 48% of the
population has income of less than US$ 0.75/day.
now in the village there exist a micro-hydro power plant having a capacity of
18 kWsupplying electricity for lighting during night
time to around 74 household (HH,298 people). This powergenerating
facilities together with the Coffee Processing Center was built some 7 years
ago by thegovernment Energy Self Sufficient Village
program but left unmonitored. There were no additionalgrant
from the government for maintaining these facilities, and consequently the
Coffee ProcessingCenter almost deserted and the
processing facilities were under corrosion.Recently
the waterchannel was destroyed by landslides.In
order to continue supplying electricity to the hamlet somerenovationon
the water channel including embankment should be made.
the daytime the electricity produced from micro-hydro power was only used to supplyelectricity to the community during night time.The processing center was small in dimension andthere is a need to make it bigger to accommodate new
facilities. The hamlet has several naturalresources
yet to be developed, namely coffee plantation, rice field and vegetable farms.
The purposeof the project is to supply electric power
from refurbished micro-hydro and biomass (coffee skin)during the day time to a
newly build Coffee Processing Center where coffee berries are dried whichhave captive market in Bandung. And Processing Center
creates new job opportunity for the villagerto
increase their welfare and for poverty alleviation. The projects lead to
emission reduction for 6months operation (with 0.5 kg CO2/kWh) the processing
facilities will mitigate emission equivalent to 3.5 Tons of CO2/year.
skin will be used as fuel for the dryer. Emission coming from it is not
included in thecalculation because of of CO2 neutral. The project has another several advantages,
namelypreservation of natural resources by well
keeping (improve and maintain) coffee plantation and toincrease
yield in the form of driedcoffee beans. The
renovation of micro-hydro power water channeland its
embankment leads to the preservation of ecosystem services.